Sleep Apnea Treatment

What causes snoring & OSA?

Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) are breathing disorders, which occur during sleep, due to the narrowing or total closure of the airway.

Snoring is a noise created by the partial blocking of the airway. When you fall asleep your muscles relax, including those that control the tongue and throat. The soft tissue at the back of your throat can sag, narrowing the airway. Incoming air then makes the tissue at the rear roof of the mouth (the soft palate), the flap of skin hanging from the palate (uvula) and the throat vibrate – a sound we know as snoring.

Snoring is often no greater problem than the noise itself. However, loud snoring may be a sign of a more serious problem – OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea).

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is when the airway becomes completely blocked and breathing stops. The brain then detects the lack of oxygen and prompts a momentary arousal to draw breath. Although OSA sufferers may experience hundreds of apnea episodes per night, they are unlikely to remember any of them. In fact, if the sufferer lives alone or sleeps separately they may not be aware of their condition, even after many years.

What Causes Obstructive Sleep Apnea?

Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a serious sleep-related breathing disorder. In a person with OSA, the tongue and muscles of the upper airway relax to a point where they collapse and the airways become obstructed during sleep. This blocking of the airways can cause brief breathing arrests – sometimes up to 600 episodes of arrested breathing may occur in a single night. The brain responds by sending out arousal signals to prevent the sleeper from suffocating. The sleeper, who is typically unaware of these signals, gasps for air and starts breathing again. In the process, loud snoring noises are often produced. The consequence of this recurrent arousal is non-restorative sleep and health problems related to this condition. In the morning, the patients wake up feeling unrefreshed and run down. They often suffer from daytime sleepiness and lack of concentration, which may cause them to fall into the dreaded micro sleep while driving. Loud snoring may be an important sign that a person is suffering from a serious form of obstructive sleep apnea. Untreated sleep apnea can increase the chance of having high blood pressure, a heart attack or a stroke. Problems with sexual function and diabetes may also be associated with sleep apnea. People with the above symptoms should get in touch with their dentist.


The CPAP/PRO® CPAP interface is a latex free comfortable device for the treatment of adult obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Individual nasal tubes are combined with a specially made dental appliance or a heat molded mouth piece depending on what your health care practitioner determines is best for your situation. Both types will seal effectively against each of your nostrils with the supplied soft synthetic nasal inserts. The seal is not airtight however. The system allows for the escape of some air, as leakage helps eliminate trapped stagnant air exhaled back into the tubes while you are breathing.

Intended Use: The CPAP/PRO® CPAP interface is intended to treat adult obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

The Benefits of CPAP PRO 

  • No Headgear
  • Leaves No Marks Or Sores on the Face
  • Light Weight and Sturdy
  • No Straps
  • New and Improve Whisper Quiet Performance
  • Works with all Major PAP Machines
  • Design Exclusively for User Comfort
  • Allows a Wide Range of Sleeping Positions
  • Custom Fit to Every User
  • Easy to Set up and Position
  • Infinitely Adjustable for a Perfect Fit
  • Prevents Air Seal Leaks and Gaps
  • Latex Free
  • Easy to Clean
  • User Replaceable Parts