
What is fluoride and are there alternatives?

When starch or sugar combines with saliva, an acid forms. This acid saps minerals that keep tooth enamel hard.  Since the 1940s, fluoride has been accepted as effective protection against demineralization of tooth enamel. Demineralization causes tooth enamel to soften, which makes teeth vulnerable to bacteria that cause decay. MI Paste contains a naturally occurring mineral, attracts other minerals to strengthen tooth enamel. We recommend patients use MI Paste.

Warning: Topical tooth paste works well for children as a topical agent and they do not need to ingest fluoride. Public water supplies are supplemented with fluoride. Parents should be aware, bottled water usually does not contain fluoride. Fluoride is difficult to filter through normal mechanical water systems.

Why is fluoride-free treatment helpful?

Every day, our teeth suffer from demineralization because of the foods and drinks we consume. Enamel, the protective coating on the outside of our teeth, requires minerals for strength. Since enamel is not comprised of living tissue, it cannot regenerate once it is damaged. Acidic, starchy, or sugary foods and beverages mix with saliva to create an acid that saps minerals from enamel. When this occurs, enamel softens and becomes vulnerable to the bacteria that cause decay. MI Paste, a fluoride-free alternative, re-mineralizes enamel, which causes the enamel to become hard. Fluoride should only be used in children with high decay rates.

Should fluoride be supplemented in all public water?

Most children will benefit from topical applications and adults generally don’t benefit unless they have severe root sensitivity. In our opinion, the public water should not be supplemented.